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Omnipotence exhibit at Barefoot Cafe

Omnipotence, the art work of Terri Rodriguez-Hong and Diana Hartman

Art allows us the ability to create anything, from the figurative through to the abstract. What better way to experience omnipotence? The art work of Diana Hartman and Terri Rodriguez-Hong will be at the Barefoot Cafe, during the month of October.

On October the 3rd, there will be a reception from 7 to 9pm, with live music from the Zonky Flay Band. Come to the show and enjoy the art, music and refreshments!

Barefoot Cafe
5237 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA


This page contains a single entry from September 30, 2009 9:27 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Phantom Interview _ Trina Merry.

The next post in this blog is Allusion or Illusion Exhibition October 10th.

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