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CALL FOR ART - "Ancient City"

"Ancient City": Visual, Sculptural, Digital, Sonic & Functional Art

Group show will run the month of February/2008 in prime gallery location in Hayes Valley (580 Hayes), San Francisco.

Submission Deadline: Dec. 25th, No submission fee.

Curator: Photographer, Daniel Newman (www.danielnewman.info)

The title/theme conveys the aesthetic umbrella: urban-centric art that evokes having seen (or foreseeing) the effects of time. Evoking the feeling of "artifact"; retro-futuristic; industrial texture imbibed visions. Artworks of any scale and pricing are eligible. The show will be highly immersive. Your work can have a tangential (but profound) connection to the theme (feel free to explain).

Seeking unique works in ALL types of media, including but not limited to:

• painting
• photography
• sculpture
• digital media
• functional
• lighting/lamps
• furniture
• digital and projected media
• books
• soundscape/soundsculpture
• sand castle

You name it. If it fits thematically, it will be considered.

Please email link to your website, or to images hosted online (no attachments) to dpnewman@gmail.com. You will be contacted with more info if chosen for participation.


This page contains a single entry from December 5, 2007 2:34 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Too close for comfort.

The next post in this blog is Pellet Mural Bash.

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