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Save Independent Film in the South Bay

Camera 3 has long been at the forefront of bringing independent and foreign films to the South Bay. Films that are on the fringe of mainstream (and mainstream $$), films that we'd usually have to trek up to San Francisco to see. Where else in the San Jose area can you see the recent film release of HOWL (based on the Allen Ginsberg poem) or Spike & Mike's Twisted Festival of Animation? NOWHERE!

They currently need some help, please continue reading and see if you can lend a hand-

Camera 3 Theater in downtown San Jose is one of the last truly independent theaters specializing exclusively in presenting independent cinema in the South Bay. Every week Camera 3 premieres the kind of art and foreign films that would not make it to the South Bay otherwise. They also bring in much of the talent behind those films for Q&As.

The Camera folks need some help keeping it going. They are looking for 10 volunteers who can work one 3 hour shift a week tearing tickets and greeting folks. Camera Cinemas will happily compensate volunteers with movie passes and concession vouchers good at any Camera Cinemas location, worth approximately $36 per shift.

If you are interested in saving independent film in the South Bay, please email Camera Cinemas at camera3cinemas@gmail.com and let them know if you can help.


This page contains a single entry from October 12, 2010 11:44 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Meet the Grantmakers: Funding Opportunities for South Bay Artists and Arts Organizations.

The next post in this blog is Sign up for classes at Higher Fire Clayspace & Gallery.

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