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New Phantom Galleries exhibit by Mariana Barnes, PhD

Mariana Barnes, PhD, Dragon, acrylic on canvas, 60" x 48"

Mariana Barnes is currently on view in the lobby of 28 North First Street with five large canvases from her Mosaic series. The inspiration for these paintings comes from the art of ancient civilizations combined with everyday patterns, explains Mariana.

Mariana is a self taught artist and has been painting for the last 20 years. As a scientist/engineer, my time is divided between my art and my work in aerospace. Being an artist makes me a better scientist and vice versa. Each pursuit feeds the other -art keeps me sane, science keeps me grounded. says Maria.

Originally from Argentina, Mariana has been exposed to a sophisticated Latin American culture, where art and music are highly regarded and are a normal part of everyday life. All of the color and energy of my Latin American background nourish the paintings I create.

The exhibit is on view Monday thru Fridays 9-5pm thru the end of March, 2008.


This page contains a single entry from January 9, 2008 5:00 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Call for Artists for "The Distributed Exhibition".

The next post in this blog is Backwater Arts seeking donations and submissions.

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