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John Kurtyka's Cursor


Earlier this year we told you about a call for entries by San Francisco's CITY|SPACE that was seeking proposals for creative and surprising new SOUVENIRS of the San Francisco Bay Area. A memory for the tourist that arrives and departs, a collection of images and mementos to take home and revisit, the souvenir encompasses expectation and recollection of places, people, and adventures.

Although often ignored, souvenirs are ubiquitous representations of the places we inhabit, written in the kitschy dialect of sno-globes and postcards. But souvenirs also navigate more intimate geographies, of personal feeling and memory. Wish You Were Here will reimagine the souvenir's unique position between landscape, memento, and memory. ~CitySpace

John Kurtyka (Phantom & KALEID artist) answered the challenge, and was accepted, with the Welcome to Silicon Valley CURSOR (the searcher) John says of his proposal: "Its face includes a variety of skin colors–like those whose work brought it to life and began its search (some got rich, many made a living, bought homes and raised families–some families broke up because of the stress and long work hours.) Its not polite to point–so it acquiesces silently to our every whim–cursoring across the colors and flashing lights of your screen–pointing to knowledge as well as opinions informed by ignorance and poor reasoning–searching for doorways and plateaus of understanding as well as reinforcement of suspicions and prejudices. IF KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, THEN ACCESS TO POWER MIGHT BE THE NEXT BEST THING."

There is an exhibit of accepted submissions in the works as well as a possible publication. Congratulations John and keep us posted!


This page contains a single entry from September 22, 2007 1:29 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Call for entries GROUNDED?.

The next post in this blog is Willowside Ranch exhibit by Fred Roessler.

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