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Registration Open for 7th Annual Luna Park Chalk Art Festival

pictured: Kori Thompson, a featured festival artist

The Luna Park Chalk Art Festival is an annual nonprofit event organized by volunteers to increase support for the arts in local schools and the community. The purpose of the festival is to provide a family-friendly, accessible venue to showcase the talents of local artists and students, foster awareness of the critical need for arts in schools and organizations serving youth, and to raise funds for providing grants and scholarships to meet that need. Sharing this day of artistic celebration each year inspires positive change within our community, and increases its appreciation of the arts’ vital contribution to personal development and a vibrant quality of life.

7th Annual Luna Park Chalk Art Festival
Saturday, September 20, 2014 10AM to 5PM
Backesto Park – San Jose, California
The festival is free and open to the public.

Proceeds from the festival benefit the Luna Park Arts Foundation created to promote the arts in our schools and communities through grants and sponsorships. Donate now to support local arts programs and the Luna Park Chalk Art Festival.



This page contains a single entry from June 26, 2014 9:43 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Jazz Art Fusion at SLG/ArtBoutiki June 19th.

The next post in this blog is Art Workshop Survey.

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