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July 2020 Archives

July 22, 2020

"Espacio" by Force129 at KALEID Gallery

KALEID Gallery is proud to present "Espacio," a new body of work by resident artist Force129.

Force129 has been very productive during shelter in place creating new paintings diverse in themes and sizes. Unique characters, cactus, beloved animals and roses are all created in his signature style with spray paint, acrylic and marker.

KALEID is open for viewing this exhibit:
Friday July 24th & Saturday July 25th from 5pm–9pm.
Free admission.

We will have strict safety protocols including low capacity, social distancing and masks required at all times in the gallery.

KALEID Gallery
320 S. 1st St.
downtown San Jose

"Beautiful Garbage" by Sandi Billingsley at KALEID Gallery

KALEID Gallery is proud to present "Beautiful Garbage," a new exhibition of paintings and sculptures by resident artist Sandi Billingsley.

Sandi Billingsley is an American artist who has sold her art and painted in homes from coast to coast. As a professional faux finisher, she has over twenty five years of experience understanding and recreating surfaces, painting murals and combining them into trompe l’œil. For a decade and a half, she has applied these skills to gallery shows of paintings and sculptures which have attracted collectors from across the United States and several International destinations.

Sandi has always been wonderfully enthralled with creating but her first objective is to be friendly to the Earth. She explores diverse styles in her art. The majority of her projects start with recycling. She’s inspired by found and gifted materials. Sandi focuses heavily on structures created from used wood, discarded paper and packaging styrofoam.

Sandi’s art explores beauty and extreme color. Her many passions for life on this planet, for challenge, and for the plight of women have led her to create charged pieces in seemingly different styles. Sandi Billingsley is extremely grateful to have lived a life of creativity.

KALEID is open for viewing this exhibit:
Friday July 24th & Saturday July 25th from 5pm–9pm.
Free admission.

We will have strict safety protocols including low capacity, social distancing and masks required at all times in the gallery.

KALEID gallery
320 S. 1st St.
downtown San Jose

About July 2020

This page contains all entries posted to Phantom Galleries in July 2020. They are listed from oldest to newest.

March 2019 is the previous archive.

February 2021 is the next archive.

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