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March 2019 Archives

March 6, 2019

Cinequest X Phantom Galleries Live Painting Event

Join Cinequest and Phantom Galleries as three local artists paint live to the festival theme of "The Unexpected"! Watch as these artists paint their masterpieces on site in the California Theatre in the VR Cinema on the 3rd Floor) from March 7 - 10th (10am–7pm each day). You can participate by voting for your favorite.

Gianfranco Paolozzi is as much a conceptual artist as he is a painter. Each painting is considered a memory journal....the painting evolves over time, just as our memories seem to. The "finished" date of the paintings are a date of abandonment rather than completion.

Rose Margaret is a painter, wood-burner, caregiver, composting enthusiast, student of permaculture, and muncher of plants. She does her best to support Mother Nature's wellness on a daily basis.

Harumo Sato is a California based Japanese visual artist who graduated from University at Buffalo in 2015. In questioning our busy and highly industrialized daily lives, she translates old mythological analogy and allegory imagery into modern, colorful, and unique visual images. She has a strong interest in pattern design which has traveled through many cultures and contexts over the centuries. With the various colorful materials like screen prints, Japanese watercolor, sumi ink, and acrylic she seeks visual pleasure and vivacious energy to open the viewer's mind. (Photo credit: Arabela Espinoza)

For more information on this year's Cinequest Film Festival, please visit: https://cinequest.org.

For more information about Phantom Galleries and its artists; please email us at info[at]phantomgallereis[dot]com

March 14, 2019

Recognition of Live Painters at Cinequest Closing Night Event

The Cinequest x Phantom Galleries Live Painting Event featuring Rose Margaret Gianfranco Paolozzi and Harumo Sato was a blast and they created incredible paintings inspired by this year's Cinequest theme "The Unexpected."

The paintings are currently on view in the lobby of the California Theatre this week. The artists will be in attendance and recognized at the grand Closing Night of the festival screening of Terry Gilman's "The Man Who Killed Don Quixote" on Sunday March 17th at 6pm. We hope you'll join us and get a chance to attend this great event.

Cinequest Closing Night info here.

Cinequest Film Festival at The California Theatre
345 S 1st St.
San Jose, CA 95113

March 18, 2019

"Unexpected" Winner Announced at Cinequest Closing Night

Congratulations to Gianfranco Paolozzi, Harumo Sato and Rose Margaret on their moment in the spotlight at a packed house at the Cinequest grand Closing Night. Rose was presented with an award for her wining "Unexpected" painting and all the artists were recognized with a standing ovation.

The paintings are quite remarkable and available for purchase if you'd like to acquire one of them. Please email us at info[at]phantomgalleries[dot]com for pricing info.

“Its Center Everywhere & Circumference Nowhere” by Rose Margaret
“The ouroboros serves as a halo on the angel of Eternity. With its gaze turned to us, I am reminded of the elusive place between being awake and falling asleep— those strange and beautiful few seconds when reality bends just as the mind slips into unconsciousness. Our human parts can look so unexpectedly alien, can’t they? “

Rose Margaret
is a painter, wood-burner, caregiver, composting enthusiast, student of permaculture, and muncher of plants. She does her best to support Mother Nature's wellness on a daily basis.

“Over the River of Tears.” by Harumo Sato
“This piece is dedicated to people who suffered from a big earthquake in Japan 8 years ago, called 311 earthquake.

The final day of the live painting was March 10th (in Japan it’s March 11th), and it’s the day when the earthquake happened. Nobody could predict this “once-in-a-1000 years” level’s earthquake. It was a unforgettable disaster, but it also unexpectedly became a turning point when I really started focusing into making art as a practice of pray. “

Harumo Sato is a California based Japanese visual artist who graduated from University at Buffalo in 2015. In questioning our busy and highly industrialized daily lives, she translates old mythological analogy and allegory imagery into modern, colorful, and unique visual images. She has a strong interest in pattern design which has traveled through many cultures and contexts over the centuries. With the various colorful materials like screen prints, Japanese watercolor, sumi ink, and acrylic she seeks visual pleasure and vivacious energy to open the viewer's mind.

“Journal: March 7–10 2019” by Gianfranco Paolozzi
“The dripping of the colors, the rotation of the easel, and the presence of the people around me created the unexpected work.”

Gianfranco Paolozzi is as much a conceptual artist as he is a painter. Each painting is considered a memory journal....the painting evolves over time, just as our memories seem to. The "finished" date of the paintings are a date of abandonment rather than completion.

A very special Thank You to the entire Cinequest family for their support of these artists and Phantom Galleries each year.

TWO BUCK Tuesday at KALEID Gallery March 19th

Join us for the monthly artists + community creative get together. Draw, paint, chat with artists, view the feature exhibitions plus amazing work by 70 resident artists all on site with $2 art available ONLY at TWO BUCK. Free admission and all ages welcome.

This month features artists Jeff Bramschreiber, Jemal Diamond, Joe Mandrick, Alfred Preciado and Mark Martinez all onsite creating new works and available to chat about their process.

The life drawing session model is Aleena Saha - "a futurist stuck in the suburbs" - hosted by Matthew Heimgartner.

There's two excellent solo exhibitions in the feature gallery to check out: "Things Unspoken" by Matthew Heimgartner and "Pollinators" by Rose Margaret.

HAEZ ONE will be performing live music from his recent album "San Hopeless" (cassettes will be available).

Tuesday March 19th, 7pm–10pm
Free admission, all ages welcome.

KALEID gallery
88 S. 4th St.
downtown San Jose
free street parking after 6pm

About March 2019

This page contains all entries posted to Phantom Galleries in March 2019. They are listed from oldest to newest.

February 2019 is the previous archive.

July 2020 is the next archive.

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Produced by Two Fish Design

info [at] phantomgalleries.com