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Sketch Book Show opens March 5th at KALEID Gallery

This is the last week to check out February's feature exhibits by Sandi Billingsley and Mark Damrel (on view thru this Friday, February 26th.)

Transfiguration is a collection of three dimensional art is an expression of Sandi Billingsley's faith that "we humans can live in luxury while being environmentally responsible." Transfiguration is essentially the art of changing the properties of an object. In this case it refers to the changing of garbage into art.

Relative Matter is a series of paintings by Mark Damrel inspired by the hardships he encountered on his journey into fatherhood.

And then join us First Friday March 5th for the opening of the Sketch Book Show curated by KALEID artist Lacey Bryant.

Gallery Hours:
Tuesday - Friday, Noon - 7pm
Saturday, Noon - 5pm

KALEID Gallery
88 South Fourth Street
Downtown San Jose


This page contains a single entry from February 23, 2010 12:18 AM.

The previous post in this blog was We Love Music at On the Corner Music.

The next post in this blog is Fault-lines exhibit by Andy Gouveia.

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