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July 2017 Archives

July 5, 2017

No ArtWalkSJ This Friday July 7th

REMINDER! No South FIRST FRIDAYS #ArtWalkSJ this Friday July 7th but you can still attend these two great exhibits happening in downtown San Jose. The ArtWalk + STREET MRKT will resume on August 4th, 7pm–11pm, free & open to all as always.

KALEID Gallery is very proud to present this 40 year retrospective of art work by resident artist Gianfranco Paolozzi. Please join us for the artist's reception on Friday July 7th at 6pm.

"Art is life and only life. "
~Gianfranco Paolozzi

Gianfranco was born in a small Italian village in 1952. He has always been an artist and musician; he remembers drawing and creating art from as early as preschool and received his prized accordion at the age of 9 (which he continues to play while performing with his Paolozzi Tango Trio).

As a young man in the 60's, he sold two oil paintings to pay for a vacation around Italy with friends. It was then he started experimenting with photography. After completing his Italian military duty of service; he followed the love of his life to America in 1972, married her and now have 3 grown children. The 80's were full of art shows throughout Silicon Valley and the decade in which his first piece of the "Collagements" series was born (using photographs on plexiglass). The 90's brought several solo shows for Gianfranco which led to a greater expansion of his presence in San Jose's illustrious art and music scene. Presently, he continues to be prolific with his “Journals” series and has officially switched the titles of all his art pieces, past and present, to "Journals" because they are forever evolving until they are sold.

Artist Reception: Friday July 7th, 6pm–9pm
­­Exhibition Dates: July 7–August 19, 2017

KALEID Gallery
88 So. 4th St., downtown San Jose
408-947-1785 • info@KALEIDGallery.com
Gallery hours: Tuesday–Saturday Noon-7pm Free admission

One of a Kind: monoprints and more by Ray Ashley

opening night: Friday, July 7, 2017, 7-10pm
free refreshments and friends celebrating Ray!

This special July exhibition features the art of Ray Ashley, a patron saint of local artists and arts organizations, who was an artist himself. Works will show selections of Ray’s work coinciding with the first exhibit devoted to his vast collection of art at the Triton Museum of Art in Santa Clara. One of Works’ most generous supporters, Ray passed away late in 2016. Works will provide the opportunity to collect Ray’s work just as he collected the work of so many regional artists.

Exhibition continues: July 8–23

Works San Jose
365 S Market St
San Jose, California

About July 2017

This page contains all entries posted to Phantom Galleries in July 2017. They are listed from oldest to newest.

March 2017 is the previous archive.

January 2018 is the next archive.

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