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July 2016 Archives

July 12, 2016

Find Beauty in the Streets of San Jose This Summer

Find Beauty in the Streets of San Jose This Summer via KQED Arts.

Some San Jose street art history featuring Shepard Fairey (aka Obey Giant), a myriad of interesting and vibrant murals by talented local artists, and ArtMap SJ to show you the way.




Presented by Gutfreund Cornett Art and UniteWomen.org
KALEID Gallery, San Jose, California

Artists reception: July 16, 2016, 4:30 - 7 p.m. with Artists' talks at 5pm. Free and open to the public.

Exhibition dates: July 5 -30, 2016

Envision, conceive of, imagine . . . In this turbulent time of political changes, women's rights, social, racial, gender and economic inequality, global conflicts, cultural instability, reproductive choice/health care issues, and environmental challenges of overconsumption and resource scarcity - how do we effect positive change through art? How do we listen, speak our minds, include, and act in collaboration or alone across generational differences, races, identities and cultures, to build our future, locally and globally?

VISION seeks to bring self-identified women artists into dialogue, retracing an account of the past manifesting in the present, to address major social themes, to define and bring forth what is important to themselves, their families, their communities, our nation and the world at large with art that either reflects on past injustices or focuses on a vision for a more positive, empowering future.

Gutfreund Cornett Art and UniteWomen.org ask self-identified women artists to respond to and take an active role in this conversation, to create an exhibition in all mediums and genres, art that ranges from literal to poetic, abstract to representational, and psychological, to social and political commentary, art that represents the prismatic, collective vision for our future, that inspires communities and provides a framework for true innovation in our time.

SPECIAL RECOGNITION JURORS: Suzanne Gray/Seager Gray Gallery, and Michelle Nye/SFMOMA Artists Gallery

Three works by each juror will be chosen from the approximately thirty-five installed works pieces to receive Special Recognition and these artists will receive an exhibition catalog. These pieces will be highlighted within the gallery, in the print and online galleries, at the top of the Gutfreund Cornett Art online gallery and on the UniteWomen.org website.


Diyar Al Jazzi, Tara Booth, Nellien Brewer, Sara Cole, Spooky Boobs Collective, Katherine Collins, Lynn Dau, Emily Dvorin, Beth Fein, Lindsay Garcia, Yolanda Guerra, J Howard, Blond Jenny, Jennifer Jones, Joanna L. Kao, Marky Kauffmann, Eileen Kressel, Beth Lakamp, Mido Lee, Rebecca Levine, Kathryn McDonnell, Victoria Helena Mihatovic, Beverly Mills, Sarah Nguyen, Min Kim Park, Amy Pleasant, Michele Poindexter, Remedios Rapoport, Cherie Redlinger, Caren Helene Rudman, Sondra Schwetman, SPOOKY BOOBS COLLECTIVE, Nastassja Swift, Cynthia Tom, Natalie Waldburger, Ruth Waters, Corinne Whitaker, Janice Whiting, and Tina Ybarra


In order to accommodate as many viewpoints as possible and expand the conversation beyond the physical limitations of the museum, additional works were selected to be shown in a looped slideshow in the gallery:

Salma Arastu, Lynn Arnold, Joanne Beaule Ruggles, Andrea Borsuk, Andrea Broyles, Carolyn Cohen, Linda King Ferguson, Anitra Frazier, Sara Friedlander, Sara Gallo, Caryl Gaubatz, Linda Gleitz, Tricia Grame, Georgie Humphries, Uma Rani Iyli, Shabnam Mottaghi, Olivia Jane, Kathryn Jill Johnson, Thuy Linh Kang, Kristin Kempa, Sameh Khalatbari, J. L. King, Epiphany Knedler, Susan Kraft, Biljana Kroll, Krista Machovina, Stela Mandel, Juliet Mevi, Jennifer Mondfrans, Jelisa Peterson, Sara Petitt, Lorena Pugh, Trix Rosen, Gerri Russell, Pallavi Sharma, Marlene Siff, Sean Sterzer, Elka Stevens, Kim Tepe, Diana Tremaine, and Jennifer Weigel with Laurel Luckey


Gutfreund Cornett Art is a curatorial partnership that specializes in creating exhibitions in venues around the U.S. on themes of "art as activism" to stimulate dialog, raise consciousness and create social change. Karen Gutfreund and Sherri Cornett are Curator/Exhibition Directors, Arts Administrators and practicing artists. Gutfreund has worked in the Painting & Sculpture Department for MoMA, the Andre Emmerick Gallery, The Knoll Group, the John Berggruen Gallery, Arc Gallery and the Pacific Art League. With degrees in Fine Arts and Art History, she is a consultant to galleries and for private and corporate collections. Over the past six years, Gutfreund has focused on creating exhibitions for women artists that travel around the country. Sherri Cornett, with degrees in political science and art, has a long history of advocacy, activism and campaign work around issues of human rights, women's rights, environment, education and the arts, in board leadership, as an employee and as a volunteer. She focuses on socially-engaged projects in her own art and the projects she directs. Cornett has created international exhibition opportunities for women artists as Director of the Women's Caucus for Art's Half the Sky: Intersections in Social Practice Art, an art-based cultural exchange in China, and as Co-Director ofWomen + Body, an exhibition in South Korea.


UniteWomen.org seeks to equip and empower women to use their strengths, talents, and skills to further their participation as equal, valued voices in their communities, speaking out about the inequity of women's experiences as citizens in their communities, their nations, and the world. Its mission is to change the social and cultural conversation to bring about awareness of the benefits and the necessity of inclusion, providing a collective voice for women in all processes that affect their lives. Its objective is to cultivate the edification of society on these issues in order to make effective change that will improve the lives of women. Achieving these goals allows them to effectively empower women and girls to be equal, active participants in society, as well as in the political realm of our countries. A country cannot reach its highest potential until the voices of all citizens are acknowledged and manifested in a way that will positively impact the evolution of humanity.

View works online: http://www.gutfreundcornettart.com/gallery-vision.html

Contact: Sherri Cornett and/or Karen Gutfreund atgca@gutfreundcornettart.com

KALEIDlogo_160 88 South Fourth Street (@ San Fernando) San Jose, CA 95112 info@KALEIDGallery.com 408-947-1785Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, noon -7pm Free admission

About July 2016

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